Guitar hero 3 pc custom song pack
Guitar hero 3 pc custom song pack

  • A Rock Band swag pack – includes guitar pick, drumsticks, notepad and pen, sticker, temporary tattoo, fabric patch, and mousepad!.
  • A digital copy of another Harmonix Steam title, A City Sleeps!.
  • We’ve got some tempting Fig backer rewards to sweeten the deal as well! Rewards include:

    Guitar hero 3 pc custom song pack Pc#

    Like any successful crowdfunding campaign, Harmonix is courteously asking you to back our development, and bring Rock Band 4 to your PC later this year. Even if you’re new to the content creation scene, the Rock Band Network for Steam Workshop will have something everyone can get on board with. Most song authors are working off of computers to create original gameplay anyway, and we have the luxury of making the most out of the Steam Workshop for the creative community. The ability to allow anyone to bring their original content to Rock Band was amazing! And now, if our Fig campaign is successful, we’ll be letting the Rock Band community create content for themselves all over again.

    guitar hero 3 pc custom song pack

    Best of all, it was filled with songs that couldn’t be had anywhere else. It was fun, it was magical, it was committed, and it was incredibly productive RBN released over 2,000 songs. Rhythm gaming authors and gamers alike will remember the content creating community that appeared around RBN for Rock Band 2 and Rock Band 3. On top of that, we can now offer Steam Workshop features to content creators of beatmatch gaming– do you know where I’m going with this?Īfter an almost five-year hiatus, the Rock Band Network could once again return to the Rock Band community via Steam Workshop. Steam is a widely adopted and accepted digital distribution channel that allows us, as a developer, to bring our products directly to players. Now that the game is out, and continuing to expand and improve with monthly updates, we knew the time was right to fire up our Fig campaign and start rocking on an entirely new platform. When we were initially developing Rock Band 4 for consoles in 2015, we wanted to focus our resources on the core console experience that Rock Band fans have always enjoyed.

    guitar hero 3 pc custom song pack

    We are going to crowdfund this project to help us gauge interest in the product, and make the development a collaborative effort between players and Harmonix. We spent months carefully scoping this project to create a game we think will satisfy everyone. Well, good human, we kicked off the plan to bring Rock Band 4 to PC soon after the console version launched. “Why PC now?” might be the question running through your mind. Rock Band 4 for PC – The All-New Fig Campaign! You told us how much you want Rock Band to make its way to the PC community of gamers, and now is your chance to support this request! Beginning today, we launch our Fig campaign to bring Rock Band 4 to PC! With the recent launch of the new video game crowdfunding platform, Fig, Harmonix is bringing something special to the table.

    Guitar hero 3 pc custom song pack